The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

New York Times Debate on Raising the Status of Teachers

I read the New York Times excellent collection of comments from experts on the question of how we can change the teaching profession.  Here are are some great points I gleaned:“…factory-era policies… treat teachers like interchangeable parts…Most school districts can’t distinguish their highest-performing teachers from their lowest; wrongly, they act as though all teachers are […]

Weekly Notes, Solving Problems, Fear, and Families in the Book of Luke

In my zealous pursuit of knowledge, I had the idea to (instead of keep them in Microsoft OneNote), share some of the nuggets that I find during my week when I don’t have enough time or enough content to justify individual posts. So here are some things I came across this week. Making Decisions“Brainstorm every […]

Richard C. Edgley on Value Systems, Fireside at the U of U Institute

He began his fireside quoting from Dickens, that we live in the best of times and the worst of times. We live in a time where “Evil is approaching a fullness.” BUT we can have hope. We “have every reason to look forward with optimism and excitement.” How is this possible? Bishop Edgely says that it […]

Thankful for God’s Existence: A Thanksgiving Day Open Letter to Everyone

To whom it may concern,             I cannot prove to you or anyone, undeniably, the existence of God.  If that were possible, everyone would not only believe in God already, but it would deny the possibility of having true faith in God.  This is not to say, however, that I do not believe God hasn’t left […]

Some thoughts from the son of a Billionaire

Here is a short excerpt of something I ran across on a website by Bill Gates that I find myself frequently perusing. Very Good lessons, says I.   Here is what Bill says:“Peter Buffett recently published a terrific book, titled Life is What You Make It. Peter writes about the values he absorbed growing up as the […]

Education Week 2010

Education week this year was AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING.  Everyone should read Steven E. Snow’s devotional that he gave during it: But, as we all have not time and life’s challenges will come at us regardless of our opportunity to read life-changing talks or attend life-changing events like education week, I will give you my favorite points from […]

Some Things I Learned Whilst in the Holy Land

Things Learned Whilst Adventuring in the Holy Land Spring/Summer 2010.  In no particular order.  Continually updated. 1.       I know absolutely little about the scriptures.  But I do know something, and to know anything is a great treasure (OT). 2.       I don’t believe in a God that “lies in wait” for a chance to […]

Masada, Dead Sea, Ein Gedi, Qumran

Today was… our last out of Jerusalem Field Trip! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It was way boss, though. Seriously, great way to wind it all down. We went to Masada, a huge fortress/village on top of a huuuuuuuuuge mountain. It was the site of the last vestiges of Israeli power after the Romans destroyed the second temple. The […]

Jordan, Day 4: Abdullah Mosque, Citadel, Christ’s Baptismal Site

It took a long time, but I’ll admit it: I was a little tired today. Not even that tired because of lack of sleep (I actually got to bed before 11:30!), but just tired of touring in general—it does get a little laborious after awhile. As a result, I will be brief: we visited another […]

Jordan, Day 3: Jerash!

Today what was, for me, the coolest place in the entire Jordan trip, and one of the best in my entire BYU-J experience: Jerash. Besides a few in Italy herself, it is the best preserved Roman city of all time! The sites were… breathtaking! Romans were incredible in their architectural and… combat… err… accomplishments. We […]