The Official Website of Kendel Christensen


“The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons.”

        Here are just a few things that I have found to be exceptionally useful, helpful, or just cool and  want to share them for those who have any interest in using the things I have found.  This page is my home base, but be sure to check out my other, more focused pages with the drop-down menus above.

Of Most Worth

     This site is dedicated to things worthy of being called useful.  It would be severely lacking without at least mentioning the most precious thing in my life.  It is so useful, I use it every day and it guides my life like a light amidst a sometimes loud, conflicting, and confusing jumble of influences and events we call life.  

     While not the main purpose of this site, I would like anyone visiting my site to know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that I believe the teachings of our Savior and His church to be true and can bring anyone willing to investigate and live its teaching to find more answers, happiness, and purpose than by any other means.  I have associated with many people from many other religions and I have found many good, true principles and even more exceptional people who I believe God is pleased with and will bless because of their beliefs. The doctrines of my religion do not diminish any person for living any portion of God’s light they have already.  
     I profoundly respect any of the sincere religious beliefs you may have, but I make you this invitation: see if we can not add to it.  Bring with you all the good you now hold, and see if you cannot find some principle or idea that doesn’t touch your soul and makes you even the smallest bit curious to find out why we believe how we do.  If you would like to know more about the beliefs and teachings of my religion, this site is dedicated to that purpose.  And I assure you with all sincerity that it is the most precious and useful thing anyone can find in their entire lives.

Contact Me With Your Useful Discoveries (or tell me of broken links) 



