The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

La Gran Misión Buenos Aires Norte


The Mural Gifted to My Mission President

I represented The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a missionary from August 11, 2004 to August 25th, 2006.  My calling was in the Argentina, Bueno Aires North mission.  These two years changed me in profound ways.  I learned a new culture, a new language, a new way of living that was fundamentally focused on other people.  The people I met taught me so much, and I am so humbled that I was the instrument to help them become familiar with the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.   The mural at the left represents another aspect of those changes.  My mission president would give zone conferences to all of the missionaries in the mission once every month and a half.  He taught with power and invited penetrating introspection.  Each one of the pictures around Christ represents a lesson he taught.  Ask me sometime what they mean to me.

Here are some pictures of me in my mission (mostly on my preparation day–where there is some free time)
Here are some pictures from when my family came to pick me up at the end of my mission.

Below are some videos that I made in commemoration of my experiences. Made from photos I took while there.

Here is a link to the photo album of the main events
When my family picked me up from Argentina and we went on the best family vacation EVER.  Photo Album here.
My Missionary Training Center Video August 11-October 13, 2004
Family Vacation Part 2.

1st Area, Villa Verde.  Photo Album here.
2nd Area, Loma Hermosa. Photo Album here.
3rd Area, Lima. Photo Album Here.
4th Area, Tortuguitas.  Part 1 Photo Album Here.
4th Area, Tortuguitas.  Part 2 Photo Album Here.
5th Area, Munro. Photo Album Here.
6th Area, Belgrano.  Photo Album Here.