The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

Release Thy Computer from Bondage & Save $$$$$!

So, you think you need a new computer? Hold on there turbo, the laws of being a nice guy oblige me to tell you something:

30% of people that come to me thinking they need a new computer DON’T. Often they just need to do some spring cleaning or do one or two MINOR upgrades. How can you tell?

The core has to do with your processor. If it doesn’t have a “Passmark” score of AT LEAST 1000, I wouldn’t bother with it. In 99% of cases, you really do need a completely new, much better computer. Note:laptops are different (the same processor on a laptop is usually only half as powerful, which is why you get more for your $$$ with a desktop)

What do you do if your computer is running sluggishly or has other problems?  Try the following:

Before You Start

First, before you do anything else, PLEASE Backup you data!!  See This Guide for details

Second, see if you need to upgrade (depending on your needs, you might just need more ram or a new hard drive). This gets complicated, and you should contact me or another expert for recommendations.

Spring Cleaning

Third, Run Scans

Fourth, Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs (advanced).  

  • On Windows 7/8, Click on “Start,” go to “Run,” type in “msconfig” (without the quotes) and press enter (or click “ok”).  Go to the “startup” tab.  Windows 10, just right click on start, go to “task manager” then go to the “startup” tab.

           Everything in that list are programs that are set to run as soon as your computer boots up and stay running.  Most of them you don’t need.  For my computer, I uncheck everything except my antivirus program, my backup program, and a few others that I know I need (use trial an error, or google the startup item to see what it does).

Fifth, Free up hard disk space

  • The last thing to do is uninstall programs you don’t use and clean out your hard drive using the excellent app WinDirStat ( displays your entire hard drive in an alluringly-beautiful map to identify your biggest space hogs. 

Click Here for a more comprehensive list of to-do’s for a sluggish or otherwise in need of attention PC  ​
Though also a bit old, this article has some great tips as well.

If doing all the above doesn’t help… you probably need to reinstall windows or get a new computer, both of which I can help with.

All the Best to You and Yours,
