The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

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I am in the middle of some soul-searching.  I complete my undergraduate degree in August, and I do not know exactly what I want next for my life.  I know it will entail more education (I actually love school), so I’m probably thinking grad school of some kind… but I don’t know which.  Unlike my major selection process (which was basically: “well, this looks interesting”), before I make a decision for grad school, I want to have a plan on exactly what I want out of my degree–and what I want to do with it.  I have lots of interests and abilities, but I have yet to feel right about choosing something because I want to do more than something I’m interested in.  I want to find something that will utilize the specific set of talents and abilities I have been given by God… for a purpose.  Anyway, above are my thoughts on what I think those talents/interests/abilities are as well as where I’ve been (my resume).  I’d be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally interested to hear anyone’s thoughts about what I should consider doing.

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