The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

How Being “Right” Makes You Even More Wrong

How Being “Right” Makes You Even More Wrong By Kendel J. Christensen   Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. -1 Corinthians 13:1                  Recently a relationship I cared very much about ended. I was in […]

The World’s Greatest Lie and the Path to Freedom (Full Essay)

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom  By Kendel J. Christensen  “Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part VIII

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part VIII of VIII   4.    Am I taking the most helpful perspective?   The final thought I leave with you, in your quest to achieve your full potential in life, become more happy, and become the captain of your soul, is […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part VII

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part VII of VIII   3.    How would my heroes respond?   Ever since my 8th grade history class with Mr. Fox, I decided that I loved history. The world would have us believe that the greatest people are a scarce resource. […]

The World’s Greatest Lie Part VI

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part VI of VIII     2.    Am I consistently working toward ennobling goals?   One of my mentors taught me that if we don’t master the principles of goal setting, we will reach old age and realize that we reached but […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part V

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part V of VIII   1.    Do I acknowledge the vastness of what I don’t know?   “Never, never rest contented with any circle of ideas, but always be certain that a wider one is still possible.” –Richard Jefferies   We are […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part IV

Credit: Danny P. Ocean The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part IV of VIII   Think Outside the Box The world conditions us to think and act like we are victims. Entire schools of thought within psychology seek to reduce human behavior to simple stimulus-response reactions. Movements in […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part III

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part III of VIII   A True Friend                  As I look at Facebook, it tells me I have 2099 friends. It is a lie. I was an early adopter, and accepted any and all requests from anyone I had ever […]

The World’s Greatest Lie, Part II

The World’s Greatest Lie And the Path to Freedom By Kendel J. Christensen Part II of VIII   “I am the Captain of My Soul” “That’s just who I am,” “it is what it is,” “I can’t change,” “What can you do?” “I can’t help it.”   These are statements of victimhood. They are embodiments […]