The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

     This was one of those weeks that I knew would be a whirlwind.  I had a gargantuan test in my Spanish phonetics class.  Ok, maybe some people wouldn’t say it was that big, but you know how some people’s brains have a harder time processing different types of information?  Yeah, that is me and phonetics… But then again, that is precisely why I took it.  I know my accent could use some (read: a lot) of work, and since it was the last class for my Spanish minor, I decided to apply the Ether 12:27 principle.  I really have learned a lot in that class.  Whenever I finish a big assignment or test in that class, I’m exhausted–not in the “oh, I am so glad that is over” way–but rather the “woah, my brain had a real work-out.  I actually feel like my capacity for thinking has increased” way.  Love it.
     That Crisis was over on Tuesday, and the rest of the week was dedicated to getting all the ducks in a row for our big history club invitational lecture, getting ready for my presentation on Christ’s teaching techniques (an annual religion symposium that students can enter), and my thesis defense.  They both went well, but my thesis was a real miracle.  I did most of the research for my thesis last summer, and so I knew this week I needed to devote some serious time for reviewing my paper and preparing for all the questions of my defense, but it… just… never happened.  Things would come up, or I would have time, but I would find myself paralyzed and unable to focus on it (you know when something is so big that starting is the hardest part? Yeah, that was me this week–I hate it when I do that!)  But I did read through it… once… the day before.  AHHH!  But even then, I had a saving grace: I was going to skip all my classes that I was auditing and force myself to do 100% thesis prep during that time.  I had almost 3 solid hours before my defense to prepare.  Just as I sat down in the library to work on it (side note: I was on the bottom floor of the library where I have never gotten a cell phone signal before), I got a call from my a girl who I home teach.  She had almost fainted among other symptoms and asked if I could give her a ride home.  I totally had a moment of good-angel, bad-angel of how justified I would be to say that–this time–I just couldn’t… but the thought came to me: “Don’t treat things like people and people like things.”  I knew what I should do.  When I met her, her condition really was terrible–the EMT’s had arrived and everything.  Thankfully, I was able to help out a bit, and she was admitted to the BYU health center.  When I returned to campus, I had about 20 minutes before my thesis defense.  All I could do was sit down and do a quick scan of a few things.  I reviewed two sections of my paper (the ones I felt most worried that they would ask me about), and then just thought: “what would my adviser likely ask me?”  And took mental notes of what I could possibly say.  I walked into the conference room thinking I was uber unprepared and was going to get hammered… but, to my surprise, 80% of the discussion focused on the two sections of my paper I had reviewed, and my adviser asked two of the exact questions I had thought of!  I passed with flying colors!  I didn’t even have to turn in any rewrites–they accepted it outright.  Now, there is nothing else I need to do.  I’m done.  I’m going to graduate with honors!!  I am thoroughly convinced that that discussion was guided by Someone who takes care of those who take care of His children.

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