The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

July 10, 2010

We attended the Galilee branch today. It was sooooooo cool! Not only did it have an amazing view (which reminded me of the view at the JC itself—but in a very… Galilee way), but there was just a special feeling there. Scott Paul Johns, a man who I always thought had that quality of inner dignity (here defined as people where I don’t really have to know them long or deeply to just feel like they were an exceptionally good person) gave the best talk I have heard in a sacrament meeting in a year, easily. He talked about how the Atonement applies to saints as well as sinners. My favorite story was about his grandmother being killed in a car accident and his mom responding, instead of with resentment or retribution, with love. She went out of her way to help this man: to know that she forgave him, that he should forgive himself, and that she loved him (She even set up a special meeting with her, his family, and his bishop). Awesome. Before church, I had the honor of being one of only 5 students to get invited to a special outing to see a bunker that was used in the ’67 war (I found spent gun shells!), as well as the oldest temple in Israel—they think it is over 3000 years old! After church was a fireside where I got to talk to some members from the Galilee branch. Jorge, Patricia, and their 6 year old son Julian. 


Sister Hamblin, Bro. Manscill, and a few friends and I in the inner sanctum of the 3,000 year-old temple (believed to be built by nomads. Bro. Hamblin is an expert photographer and was taking pictures on top of the temple.

Me on top of the temple

From L to R, Jared Colton, Chris Meldrum, (me), Mike Eddington, and Jilian Mather at a bunker used in the ’67 war. I even found used rounds!

Me at the river Jordan. This was actually a part of the river that is diverted to a very… comercialized spot.

The Galilee Branch meeting house. Such a cool place!

The view on the balcony of the meeting house

One Response

  1. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

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