The Official Website of Kendel Christensen

July 14, 2010

     Our last full day in the Galilee. Our first stop was Zippori (it means ‘bird’ in Hebrew). It had some really famous, pretty cool mosaics. Bro. Brown made the connection that these mosaics were focused on Abraham and the aaronic priesthood and how it is passed via lineage and some mosaics in Italy that shows a chalice and shewbread—all of them are acceptable offerings… and anyone can offer them up. The blessings are based on righteousness, not lineage. Akko was moderately cool. It had some beautiful shoreline. It was the last major crusader stronghold. Bro. Hamblin retold the final siege when Saladin defeated the templars. It was really interesting. Then we had free time and Chris and Brooke and I got trapped in a Turkish bath house. Long story. To make it shorter, it was a really underwhelming experience. To be honest, it was one of my least favorite field trips. I took more pictures and movies today than any other, though, because one of my favorite people in the whole program was sick today! He did not go, so we made him a special video telling him about what we learned and saw so he wouldn’t feel left out. We got home and swam for a few last hours together (it was way fun—the water was perfect), had dinner, and then a testimony meeting. I really can’t believe that this is over. I am so happy. I am so nostalgic. I have had so many experiences here. I will never be the same again.  


A wide shot of the Zippori Cardo

This Mosaic is known as the Mona Lisa of the Middle East. My camera actually detected her as a person’s face!

Akko was a crusader city and saw plenty of combat. These are catapult balls. Each of them are extremely heavy!

One of the coolest Mosques we have been to so far, the Al-jazaar

The center room of the Turkish Bath. We totally got trapped in this room.

Akko is primarily a port city


Me and my roomie, Jud Kennedy

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