My plan this year is to have a different goal for each month of the year. Here is a list of some things I’ve thought of to do in a month. What other things should I do to improve myself this year? Ladies, I’m especially looking for your opinions.
1. Memorize a long poem or short story
2. Brighten a different person’s day by a note/anonymous deed
3. Fast from something for a month (Wii, Music, Sweets, Facebook, Movies)
4. Learn a short list of common phrases in 5 languages
5. Memorize one (short) scripture per day
6. Change my signature
7. Review my notes from previous semesters
8. Review and work on common grammar mistakes
Kendel, why do you want to change your signature? I find that a unique and interesting goal.
Change my signature? I don’t like the way I do it now, basically.