I’ve known since January that I would be dedicating my life to Teach for America and earning a Masters Degree at the University of Pennsylvania, so when one of my good friends asked if I was interested in joining him on a trip to Sweden and Denmark. Thinking it would make a fitting last vacation, I said yes, and awesomeness ensued.
Copenhagen Square!
These are the houses that line the famous Copenhagen canals.
The Church of Our Lady, with the original Christus Statue.
The pastries (and all breads) in Europe, totally surpass what we call pastries here.
Roskilde Cathedral, the Westminster Abbey of Denmark
We even ran in to the missionaries!
Niels Bohr is a Dane. The second-most famous one.
Perhaps the highlight of the trip, in Frederiksberg’s castle, this room houses many of the most cherishes originals of Carl Bloch
Elsinore Castle, the setting for Hamlet (back in the day)
The Grave of Soren Kierkegaard!
Another surprise highlight, the Nobel Museum. It was awe-inspiring to hear some of the stories of the winners.
The Copenhagen Temple! It was originally a stake center.
Sweden Temple!
I couldn’t resist
But the best part…
…was definitely the people we stayed with! My friend Chris had friends that not only let us stay with them, not only told us the best things to see and how, not only fed us, but also drove us! AMAZING!!
Thanks to your blog, I’m gonna create one now too, thank you.